Kamis, 25 November 2010

Take a bath after stay up can cause death

Those who would like to stay up, surely you know that staying is not good for health. Even the lack of sleep can lead to death, plus more if after staying out immediately shower. He can hit "Enter Wind Stage 5".

Impact of lack of sleep and a shower after staying up late can cause death. In addition, if a bath after staying up late also at risk for pneumonia and "Wind Sitting" which can be fatal, even die suddenly. After bathing lemes, dizziness continues to sleep but not wake up again, scary ..?

For a logical explanation about staying out immediately after bathing simple it is like this:
Body that stayed up late that you actually do a lot of activity that should have at that time shall be at rest. Because a lot of activity going on in our bodies, without us knowing it occurred in the heating of our bodies.
Well, imagine if the temperature of a hot body suddenly doused with water in the morning the temperatures are much colder than the temperature of your body, what will happen?

Decrease in body temperature is very drastic and spontaneous, while our bodies are not designed for it. 

The incident has the same logical case with "Falls from height using a parachute" and "Waterfall without using a parachute." Can imagine what the result, not very much different?
Thus it is advised not to immediately take a bath shortly after staying up late, because it can harm to the body....

source : www.apakabardunia.com  

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